Pipe Door Handles for Doors, Drawers and Cabinets

A door handle can seem so plain, but it doesn't have to be! Why not add industrial quality to your apartment or business by building a beefy industrial pipe handle to open and close the door. That's exactly what you will see in the projects below.

Some of these projects use Kee Klamp fittings. Kee Klamp fittings are slip-on fittings that use a set-screw to clamp down on the pipe. No threading or welding is required! Other pipe fittings are threaded and need to be twisted into the precise location. Threaded fittings are cheaper, but they are harder to adjust.

Whichever type of pipe fitting you use, pipe door handles will give your entryway a robust modern feel.

Angled Crash Bar

3. Door Handles

These rounded door handles use Type 15 Kee Klamp Elbow fittings to round off the edges and connect to a pipe in the door. These can be found on the entry way to the Esquire office in Tokyo. Get more details on this door handle in this article that features several pieces of industrial office furniture in the Esquire office.

Vertical Aluminum Barn Door Handle

McFetter Residence Completed

Sky Barn Door Closeup

Both of these doors were designed by Channing Glover, a home designer who loves working with Kee Lite aluminum fittings. Both of these doors have a simple arrangement that utilizes aluminum pipe as a pull bar for a floating barn door. This arrangement works well both indoors and out and can be seen in many of Channing's projects that are posted on this site.

These barn door handles use two L70 rail flanges and two L84 pipe caps along with a piece of aluminum pipe.

Steel Cabinet Door or Dresser Drawer Handles

Cabinet Door Pulls

These cabinet handles are very similar to Channing's design, only they use steel fittings and pipe. Here the Type 70 Kee Klamp is used with Type 84 plugs and a piece of steel pipe to create a bold handle for storage cabinets.

via this site in the Netherlands

Dresser Drawer Handles

These dresser drawer handles use the same idea as well, forgoing the pipe caps for an even more industrial look.

via on Etsy

Threaded Pipe Handle

Threaded Door Handle

This door uses threaded plumbing pipe to make a bold statement. The contrast between the wooden door and the steel pipe creates a great affect.

via Ripe Green Ideas

Threaded Pipe Drawer Pulls

Threaded Drawer Handle

On the smaller side of things, this concept extends the threaded pipe handle to the drawer. Kristi went for a more decorative route by showing you how to paint the pipe, adding elegance to the industrial theme.

via KrisKraft

Whether big or small, pipe is a great choice for making a handle for a door, drawer or cabinet. If you're looking for an industrial look, nothing beats a solid piece of pipe!

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