Benefits of Kee Klamp, Kee Lite and Kee Access
Fast Shipping
With direct access to the supplier, you receive your pipe fittings faster without worrying about out-of-stock pipe fittings.
Design Assistance
We provide tools to inspire creativity and ensure safety.
Easy to Assemble
Threadless fittings make it easy to connect two pieces of pipe. An allen key is all you need to assemble your structures.
Creativity is Limitless
With over 100 fitting variations, you have the opportunity to build almost anything such as railing, fitness equipment, retail racks, and more.

Easy to Assemble
Threadless fittings make it easy to connect the tube and pipe. Since welding isn't required, customizing, adjusting, and building your structures is more straightforward. An allen key is all you need to assemble your indoor or outdoor structures. Non-threaded pipe fittings allow you to modify existing pipe structures more easily than traditional threaded pipe-fittings. Threaded fittings require more work with cutting and re-threading the pipe.
Build Almost Any Structural Configuration
Unlike traditional threaded pipe fittings that are designed to connect iron gas pipe, our pipe fittings are designed for structural applications. With over 100 fitting variations, you have the opportunity to build almost anything using schedule 40 pipe such as railing, fitness equipment, retail racks, and more.

Simple to Repair, If Needed
Since welding isn't required, repairing a damaged fitting or section of pipe requires ordering a replacement part. Remove the damaged portion and simply install the new part. Kee Klamp and Kee Lite fittings' simple design gives you the flexibility of a versatile pipe connection system. All pipe fittings are pre-engineered, threadless, and made to last. Threaded joints are more vulnerable to failure and corrosion.